Sunday, May 19, 2013

                       Re- purposing Tires in Public Spaces

                                    A group of ideas of how tires have been used in public spaces

  Stand alone climbing structure 

                                            A great wall

                                           Dog Park

                                          Climbing Wall
                                         Fence Sculpture
                                       Self Standing Ball

                                               Jungle Jim

                                          Crawl Through

                                         Artist Sculpture

                                          Public Seating

        Tire Play Sculpture  

                                                  Bike Rack


                                            Tire Tree Ring

                                     For more ideas on how to re-use tires visit us on Pinterest  


Amazing Recycled Products
P.O. Box 312
Denver, Colorado

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rethinking Landfills

                                                  Time for the US to 
                       consider more options
                            for our trash 

Sweden incinerates 49% of their trash for energy, only 4 % goes to landfills.
They also recycle 36% and compost 14%
Sweden's program is so successful that they are the only county that currently buys
another country's trash. 


One of 8 Waste to Energy plants in Sweden 

Sweden takes the trash, burns it and turns it into hot water heat and electricity.
Their goal is to be fossil free by 2030. Right now they create 20% of their heat 
Recycling is not forgotten and still is an important part of their waste program. 

They also create bio mass to replace gasoline for cars. 
(station shown above) 

England is also jumping on the bandwagon (Belividere Incinerator show above).
China has 50 plants on line. 
 Mitsubishi is building a 170 million dollar plant in Japan 

The US has over 459 plants, but the bulk of these plants are burning industrial waste and not day to day trash. The picture above is the Waste to Energy facility in Broward County Florida. This facility sits at the landfill  and is partnered with a landfill gas to energy facility. 
Photo: Waste Management

Canada sends trash to the US to landfill and New York send over 10,500 tons of waste to landfill sites in Ohio  and South Carolina.  Isn't time to rethink our trash

Mary Jarrett
Amazing Recycled Products
P.O. Box 312
Denver, Colorado 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

DOE Recycling Metal from Nuclear Facilities

Recycling Metal from DOE Facilities                                                           

Department of Energy is proposing to release tons of metal from their nuclear facilities for recycling. One of the facilities hired me as a consultant to review this issue years ago. They have warehouses packed with old metal desks, file cabinets, bookcases. In fact the little town the facility was located in looked like old Mexico with their backyards full of non working refrigerators, old cars etc.

NO ONE WANTS THEIR METAL. The quantity of metal the DOE is looking at releasing would be around 14,000 tons which is actually a small amount in the scheme of things. But do you want any amount of radioactive material in your recycled metal products?

Most of the metal recycling facilities in the US have radiation detectors,but Europe does not have detectors
at all facilities. You also have to look at the idea that the employees in  the recycling facility will continue to handle the metal over and over and may expose themselves to ongoing radiation.

Robert Middaugh,communications coordinator for the department's National Nuclear Security Administration  has stated , "The department will not authorize sites to release metal from areas
contaminated with radioactive material." So, if the whole town is radioactive, where are they getting the metal that is not contaminated?

Now I am concerned about metal that was taken from the Rocky Mountain Flats nuclear weapon plant  when it was closed near Denver,Colorado. What did they do with all that metal? All I could find out is that they torn down the buildings and removed them as part of a Superfund Project. Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge remains controversial, and the talk around town is that the fish glow in the ponds and you don't want to spend much time out there. The real question I have is how much of the local contaminated metal was recycled before the radiation precautions were in place? How many structures are built with metal that was exposed to radiation across the US. How many other places are there that have been torn down over the years before the controls?  We know Cancer and birth defects are a direct result of exposure to radioactive contamination. One has to wonder the affects are on our communities.

Radiation is a serious, complex issue and I join with other groups in opposing releasing this material
for recycling. Even though the material may contain a low but above-background of levels of radiation, this material can enter the stream to the consumer through metal products made from recycled steel. No more radioactive contaminated metal should be introduced. Not one more spec.

Mary Jarrett
Amazing Recycled Products

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day 2013


Today the biggest issue across our world is water. 
How much do we have? How much do we waste? How can we clean it up?

New devices our being invented everyday to simply the process of providing clean drinking
water for all. Larger processes are being designed and installed to recycle large communities water. With drought conditions in the West, many look to the snowpack for their water and are crossing their fingers for a late spring with heavy wet snows.We all need to see how we can conserve water within our home and outside. Some communities will be under water restrictions this summer while others are experiencing flooding. 

How can we best address the variety of water conditions within the US let alone across the world?
Do we need an International Water Commission overlooking how water is used in various countries? How can we prevent opportunists trying to sell water in arid areas of the world? Or how can we prevent corporate or country greed?

As the Ice Pack melts and our oceans rise, it seems to me we need to spend quite of bit of energy and money on how to best use this large open water storage of water, to both reduce the impact of the rising oceans, but to secure water for the next generation. Perhaps we can attempt to store water back in ground aquifers, or in above ground storage tanks.

With water being more frail now, it seems Oil still rules and we continue use this valuable resource to drill deeper,or risk large spills by drilling in water itself. 

So as we all go about this day celebrating our Mother Earth, let us stop and consider, just how important this basic life ingredient is. We can't live without water no matter how much oil and gas we have, and the world needs to keep their focus on water and push this to top of the priority list in every country, every event, every conversation. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

When is " Old Money" NEW Money?

US shreds 10,000 pounds of paper money every day. On a average your dollar survives only 21 months
before going to the shredder. Years ago the US currency removed from circulation was burned. 

Around 1990 the Federal Reserve started to research how they could recycle the money. Horse breeders tried to use the shredded material as bedding but the "old money" caused the horse to break out in skin rashes. Other tests included: insulation, mattress filling and roofing shingles. 

1994 Amazing Recycled Products was working on a research project with Levis regarding recycling their factory waste. We were in the process of extruding pencils when I got the idea that perhaps the US Banknotes could be another option for pencils. We first tried a high compression hex pencil but the results were not of the liking. But after mixing the material with plastic we were successful in extruding pencils. 

We offer both standard pencils and special order golf pencils all made with US paper banknotes. These pencils feature the official reclaimed currency logo so you know you are getting a certified  pencil. 

All made in the United States from US Banknotes. We have now extended this line to include a slim stick pen made with the currency and plastic. 

This pen comes in a minimum of 250 pieces at a special introductory price of .44 each including your message. Please mention " Old Money" Promotion to get this price. The pen features black ink and a cap that is proudly stamped USA 

Our pencil pricing for this special " Old Money"  promotion is as follows:
ARP96009 Round Recycled Money Pencil .30 each minimum 1000 pieces 
ARP96015 Round Recycled Money Golf Pencil .20 each minimum 10000 pieces  
ARP03513 Dollar Sign Shaped Money Pencil 1.50 each minimum 250 pieces  
ARP03700 Slim Stick Money Pens .44 each  minimum 250 pieces 
Pricing good through April 30, 2013 
Pricing does not include shipping and handling
Set up 25.00 each new order for this promotion only 

Amazing Recycled Products, Inc. P.O. Box 312 Denver, Colorado 80201 1-800-241-2174                                   

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Soda Bottle Houses

Building Houses from sand and recycled plastic soda bottles is quickly becoming the new construction method around the world. These homes are not only inexpensive to build, but the sand acts as an insulation and also has proven to be structural. 

The house below has a heavy earth/green roof weighing up to 30 tons when wet and yet the only support is in the bottles themselves without any extra reinforcement. Constructed from 8000 bottles, it is the first house in the world made from PET bottles without using cement in the walls. This house is located in Honduras 

Some houses are made using a combination of glass wine bottles and plastic PET bottles. The house shown below features wine bottles on the right wall and soda bottles on the left. This creates an attractive pattern to the wall. This house does use the cement with the bottles.


Houses made from glass bottles have been around for a very long time. Bottles were used as building material because of lack of trees in the area and of course cost. Many of these houses still stand today.

One the most famous older glass bottle houses in the US is located in Kaleva Michigan. The house was completed in 1941 and is made from over 60,000 glass bottles and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  Once inside it looks like any other home. 

If a house is just too much to think about. Perhaps a simple backyard wall is good start. The bottles produce a nice texture and with sand they could be a great sound barrier as well. 

Amazing Recycled Products, Inc. P.O. Box 312 Denver, Colorado 80201 1-800-241-2174 amazingrecycled,com

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Everyone Needs A Second Life

   Do you just throw out or recycle that old plastic soda bottle, or do you think maybe it could have a second life first? There are several things you can do with old soda bottles and here are but a few:

 Self Watering Seed Starters 

 Drip Catcher for a Picnic Jug 

 Cupcake Covers 

 Water Sprinkler

 A boat 


Office Wall

Amazing Recycled Products, Inc. P.O. Box 312 Denver, Colorado 80201 1-800-241-2174

Earth Day Everyday Sale 2013

    Earth Day Everyday Sale 
    We are offering our Best Sellers for the next month in celebration of Earth Day. You must buy 10 pieces or more to get the pricing listed below. All pricing is good through April 30, 2013 and shipping is not price. Call us at 1-800-241-2714 (303)699-7693
    ARP02700 Desk Top Tray                                  5.00 each
    ARP02701 Deep Capacity Tray                          6.75 each
    ARP02705 Large Single Wall Box                       9.00 each
    ARP02706 Bottle Lid for Single Wall Box            4.75 each
    ARP02707 Newspaper Lid for Single Wall Box   4.75 each
    Amazing Recycled Products, Inc. P.O. Box 312 Denver, Colorado 80201 1-800-241-2174